PHP 8.4+ ready Ready to take advantage of async fibers!

Framework X async made easy

The simple and fast micro framework for building reactive web applications with PHP. Supports async and non-blocking execution for maximum performance. Runs anywhere, from shared hosting to your own servers. Get started in minutes and scale to the next level with Framework X!

Big news! We're excited to announce our v0.17.0 release! Framework X on GitHub

Too good to be true?

Sneak a peek at the code!

Here’s what using Framework X in code looks like.


require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

$app = new FrameworkX\App();

$app->get('/', function () {
    return React\Http\Message\Response::plaintext(
        "Hello wörld!\n"

$app->get('/users/{name}', function (Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request) {
    return React\Http\Message\Response::plaintext(
        "Hello " . $request->getAttribute('name') . "!\n"


But that’s not all! Take a look at our documentation to get a deep understanding of how everything works and how to build most common use-cases.

What makes Framework X a great choice for your projects

Framework X combines years of experience from existing real-world projects.

Simple Web APIs

Building web APIs should be simple, lightweight and efficient. That’s what Framework X is all about. No matter if you’re building a RESTful or JSON-based HTTP API or the next big cat rating platform, we’ve got you covered. Framework X doesn’t get in your way, it paves your way.

Start in minutes
Framework X is super easy to get started with: If you’ve used PHP and standard PSR-7 HTTP messages before, you’ll feel at home immediately. Install the package with a single command and you’re ready to go.
Web APIs and beyond
No matter if you’re building a RESTful or JSON-based HTTP API or the next big cat rating platform, we’ve got you covered. Processing images, XML data or large CSV files? No problemo.
From RAD and prototypes to production in hours, not weeks
Starting a new project feels great. Shipping to production should feel the same. We provide the tools and guidelines so you can have a piece of mind.
$app->get('/users', function () {
    $users = [['name' => 'Alice'], ['name' => 'Bob']];

    return React\Http\Message\Response::json(

Lightning fast

Framework X is super efficient. It’s a micro framework that is optimized for you as human (to build fast) and the computer (to run fast). Because Framework X is so efficient, it makes it much easier to scale.

Scales well – from shared hosting to cloud-native
It performs well even on shared hosting. For better performance, Framework X is designed to be cloud-native and supports running on your servers or the cloud. For maximum performance, it provides a built-in web server that you can run straight from the command line.
Handle millions of requests
Traditional web servers run a dedicated PHP interpreter for each request. This implies you’re commonly limited to only a few dozens concurrent requests. For maximum performance, you can use Framework X’s built-in web server that allows you to process up to millions of requests at once.
Save resources
More efficient processing means you need less processing power and fewer servers. Avoiding unneeded maintenance means you can use your time to focus on more interesting stuff. Keep the money in your pocket and save the environment.
$ ab -n100000 -c50 -k http://localhost:8080/
Concurrency Level:      50
Time taken for tests:   5.508 seconds
Complete requests:      100000
Failed requests:        0
Keep-Alive requests:    100000
Total transferred:      13300000 bytes
HTML transferred:       1300000 bytes
Requests per second:    18155.95 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       2.754 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       0.055 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          2358.15 [Kbytes/sec] received

Supports async

Thanks to async programming, Framework X allows you to do multiple things at once. On top of this, its built-in web server also utilizes the async execution model to process multiple incoming connections at once. We support fibers, coroutines, and promises. Your choice!

Faster responses by using non-blocking APIs
Imagine sending two HTTP requests to external APIs while already saving the request in the database at the same time. Async, non-blocking APIs allow much faster response times by doing multiple things at once, instead of having to do one thing after another.
Scale to the next level
Framework X helps you being prepared to scale to the next level. By utilizing async programming techniques, the built-in web server achieve maximum performance per CPU core. Parallel worker processes and server clusters allow even better performance.
Mix and match blocking code
To get best performance, we recommend using async programming. Additionally, Framework X provides the tools and guidelines so you can keep using existing, blocking code and integrate this into a non-blocking structure. This makes it easy to get started right away.
$app->get('/book/{isbn}', function (Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request) use ($db) {
    $isbn = $request->getAttribute('isbn');
    $result = await($db->query(
        'SELECT title FROM book WHERE isbn = ?',

    assert($result instanceof React\MySQL\QueryResult);
    $data = $result->resultRows[0]['title'];

    return React\Http\Message\Response::plaintext(

Reactive and streaming

Framework X has built-in support for reactive applications that are responsive, resilient, elastic and message-driven. It enables streaming protocols to transport structured and binary data over HTTP.

Server-Sent-Events (EventSource)
The HTML5 EventSource API allows you to receive live updates in real-time as they happen on the server side. Because it uses standard HTTP requests, it works well on most stacks. When using the built-in web server, you can utilize efficient, long-lived connections.
Beyond HTTP with WebSockets
The HTML5 WebSocket API allows bidirectional real-time communication of structured live data between client and server. This is supported thanks to the efficient, event-driven nature of Framework X’s built-in web server.
Handle thousands of connections
The built-in web server is optimized for handlings thousands of connections. It is responsible for managing protocols and connection states, so you can focus on implementing your business logic.
$app->get('/users', function () use ($redis) {
    // stream messages received from Redis PubSub channel
    $stream = new React\Stream\ThroughStream();
    $redis->on('message', function ($message) use ($stream) {
        $stream->write("data: $message\n\n");

    return new React\Http\Message\Response(
            'Content-Type' => 'text/event-stream'

Runs anywhere

Framework X is scalable from the ground up. We provide a simple API that is easy to get started with for the smallest of projects, yet allow to grow to complex, production-ready setups. We're ready for PHP 8.4+, but also support PHP 7.1+ with no extensions required!

Support running behind existing PHP stacks
We support running behind existing PHP stacks using Apache, nginx or any other web server using CGI / FastCGI (PHP-FPM). This means you can create a simple web application in minutes and run it anywhere from shared hosting to your own clustered server setup in the clouds.
Awesome features with built-in web server
Framework X ships its own efficient web server implementation written in pure PHP. This uses an event-driven architecture to allow you to get the most out of Framework X. With no changes required, you can run the built-in web server with the exact same code base on the command line.
Better user experience in high-load scenarios
With the built-in web server, we provide a non-blocking implementation that can handle thousands of incoming connections and provide a much better user experience in high-load scenarios.
$ php -S localhost:8081 examples/index.php
PHP Development Server (http://localhost:8081) started

$ php examples/index.php
Listening on

$ curl http://localhost:8081/
Hello world!

$ curl http://localhost:8080/
Hello world!


Framework X is so much more than yet another framework, it is the way to introduce asynchronous programming to the broader PHP community. We believe it's essential to involve the whole community in all our processes and provide you with the opportunity to bring up your awesome ideas.

Contact us


Share your question with the community on Twitter or introduce your awesome project you created with Framework X. Just drop in, get in touch and connect with our community on Twitter.


We are where the open-source community is. GitHub discussions and the public issue tracker are a great way to keep track of discussions and follow the project progress and upcoming enhancements.

Professional Support

You need help to include Framework X in your project or want to create a new awesome project? Get professional support for your dev team by clue·engineering, the company behind Framework X.


Get started in seconds

We can start by taking a look at a simple example application. You can use this example to get started by creating a new public/ directory with an index.php file inside:


require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

$app = new FrameworkX\App();

$app->get('/', function () {
    return React\Http\Message\Response::plaintext(
        "Hello wörld!\n"

$app->get('/users/{name}', function (Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request) {
    return React\Http\Message\Response::plaintext(
        "Hello " . $request->getAttribute('name') . "!\n"


Next, simply install Framework X with a single command:

$ composer require clue/framework-x:^0.17

That's it already! You can now run the above example using any existing web server – or even more impressive: using the built-in web server like this:

$ php public/index.php

And that’s all it takes! X will now listen for incoming requests using its efficient built-in web server. Can’t wait to try it out?

Open source

We love open source! ❤️

Framework X is released as open-source under the permissive MIT license. This means it is free as in free speech and as in free beer.

We believe in open source and made a conscious decision to take this path. Being open-source means we can foster a community to focus on building the best possible framework together. Framework X builds on top of existing open-source projects and we want to give back to this community of awesome engineers and developers. Being open to outside contributions means we can guarantee interoperability with a vivid ecosystem and ensure the longevity of the project.

I love open-source! ❤️ Open-source software ensures we can overcome market constraints and build software systems based on trust and mutual cooperations instead.

Photo Christian Lück

Christian Lück @another_clue

We are part of the open-source community

Here are some numbers!


What you can expect


We ensure a long maintenance of the project with regular updates. This is an elementary part of our philosophy and is accompanied by our high quality standards for our projects.

Transparent communication

We speak plainly, nothing happens behind closed doors. Framework X creates a high level of transparency about the current project status and its progress.

We are users

We use Framework X ourselves on a daily basis. Our firsthand experience ensures we have an interest in making sure everything works smoothly.

Passionate and experienced

We are software engineers at heart. Framework X is not only a hobby project, it is our biggest project to solve problems and perhaps have a lasting impact on the larger PHP ecosystem.

Free community support

We provide ways to allow users of Framework X to easily exchange information and ideas with each other. We offer a discussion and chat platform to provide direct community support.

Get involved

Framework X is released under the permissive MIT license. You can have an impact on the further development of Framework X at any time. Join in, tell us about your ideas and leave your fingerprint.

People talk to each other and sit in front of their notebooks

You’re hyped?

Let’s get in touch!

We are always interested in mutual cooperations that generate win-win situations for both sides. Think we have a match? Just approach us!

Frequently asked questions

Do we really need another framework?
Fair question, who likes reinventing the wheel, right? Unless of course, you’re sure you can build a better wheel. That’s what we’re doing with Framework X. We believe our concepts and features are somewhat unique.
Why is Framework X written in PHP? Why not Rust or Go or insert preferred language here?
Because like it or not, but PHP runs the world! It’s a huge ecosystem with a big demand for better solutions. This is why one of our main goals is to make sure Framework X runs anywhere.
Why don’t you build around existing components?
Building something like Framework X probably wouldn’t be possible if not for the excellent open-source projects that it builds on top of. In particular, it uses ReactPHP for its fast, event-driven architecture. Framework X is standing on the shoulders of giants.
When will the first stable version of Framework X be released?
It’s done when it’s done (sorry)! More seriously though, the code is already pretty complete and released as public beta. We will use this to process incoming feedback and push Framework X to be even better. This shouldn’t take too long (pinky swear!).
I already use another framework, why should I switch?
If you’re happy, so are we. But a lot of people think there’s room for improvement. That’s what we’re aiming for with our concepts and features. We think Framework X is the best solution if you’re looking for simple web APIs, lightning fast execution, reactive features, and async support.
Do I need to use Framework X when I want to use ReactPHP?
We love ReactPHP, its concepts and its versatility! At the same time, we realize it can be somewhat hard to wrap your head around without any structure. That’s why think Framework X can be the perfect frame·work if you want to build simple web APIs.