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Fibers allow consuming async APIs using a synchronous code flow. The await() function can be used to "await" a promise or to "unwrap" its resolution value. Fibers are a core ingredient of PHP 8.1+, but the same syntax also works on older PHP versions to some degree if you only have limited concurrency.


Let's take a look at the most basic fiber usage by using an async database integration with X:


use function React\Async\await;

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

$credentials = 'alice:secret@localhost/bookstore';
$db = (new React\MySQL\Factory())->createLazyConnection($credentials);

$app = new FrameworkX\App();

$app->get('/book', function () use ($db) {
    $result = await($db->query(
        'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM book'

    $data = "Found " . $result->resultRows[0]['count'] . " books\n";
    return React\Http\Message\Response::plaintext(


As you can see, using an async database adapter in X is very similar to using a normal, synchronous database adapter such as PDO. The only difference is how the $db->query() call returns a promise that we call await() on to get the return value.


X provides support for fibers out of the box, so there's nothing special you have to install. You wouldn't usually have to directly interface with fibers, but the underlying APIs are provided thanks to the common reactphp/async package.

Fibers are a core ingredient of PHP 8.1+ (released 2021-11-25), but the same syntax also works on older PHP versions to some degree if you only have limited concurrency. For production usage, we highly recommend using PHP 8.1+.

⚠️ Compatibility mode

For production usage, we highly recommend using PHP 8.1+. If you're using the await() function in compatibility mode with older PHP versions, it may stop the loop from running and may print a warning like this:

Warning: Loop restarted. Upgrade to react/async v4 recommended […]

Internally, the compatibility mode will cause recursive loop executions when dealing with concurrent requests. This should work fine for development purposes and fast controllers with low concurrency, but may cause issues in production with high concurrency.

We understand that adoption of this very new PHP version is going to take some time and we acknowledge that this is probably one of the largest limitations of using fibers at the moment for many. We're committed to providing long-term support (LTS) options and providing a smooth upgrade path. As such, we also provide limited support for older PHP versions using a compatible API without taking advantage of newer language features. This way, you have a much smoother upgrade path, as you can already start using the future API for testing and development purposes and upgrade your PHP version for production use at a later time.


Fibers are very easy to use – because you simply can't see them – which in turn makes them a bit harder to explain.

The gist is that whenever you're working with an async API that returns a promise, you simply call the await() function on it in order to "await" its value or to "unwrap" its resolution value. Fibers are an internal implementation detail provided by react/async, so you can simply rely on the await() function:


use function React\Async\await;

// …

$browser = new React\Http\Browser();
$promise = $browser->get('');

try {
    $response = await($promise);
    assert($response instanceof Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface);
    echo $response->getBody();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

See await() documentation for more details.

ℹ️ Fibers vs. coroutines

In simple use cases, fibers provide the exact same functionality also offered by Generator-based coroutines. However, using coroutines internally in some API means you have to return a Generator or promise as a return value, so the calling side needs to know how to handle an async API. This can make integration in larger applications harder. Fibers on the other hand are entirely opaque to the calling side. In simple words, this means there's nothing special you have to take care of when using fibers anywhere in your APIs.


When to use fibers?

As a rule of thumb, you'll likely want to use fibers when you have PHP 8.1+ available and want to use async APIs that look just like their synchronous counterparts. This makes them much easier to integrate and there's hope this will foster a larger ecosystem in the future.

We also provide support for coroutines and promises on all supported PHP versions as an alternative. Coroutines allow consuming async APIs in a way that resembles a synchronous code flow using the yield keyword. You can also directly use promises as a core building block used in all our async APIs for maximum performance.

How do fibers work?

Fibers are a means of creating code blocks that can be paused and resumed, but the details are a bit more involved. For more details, see our blog post.